RAINMAN – Towards higher adaptive capacity in urban water management

The RAINMAN project is aimed at searching for typical solutions to prevent overloading of sewerage systems due to an increase of volumes of received storm water.

Cities face increased volumes of storm water as a result of

  • changes in climate characterized by increased short-time intensive precipitation;
  • increased areas of sealed and artificial surfaces (for instance, roofs, streets, parking lots);
  • increased quantity of warm days in winter months.

These factors influence the formation in large volumes of surface water runoffs, which results even today in overloading the existing sewerage systems, urban floods, as well as increased pollution by surface runoff of both surface and underground sources. Implementable short-term and long-term solutions are necessary for stable management of storm water.

The project will provide information on the current and future climate changes (until 2050-2100) for Saint Petersburg, Mikkeli and Lahti, as well as information on water disposal systems that are even under the existing climatic changes sensitive to flooding and can produce negative effect on freshwater resources.

Funding: CBC 2014-2020 South-East Finland - Russia

Duration: January 2019 - December 2021

Total budget: 940 202 € with CBC funding of 751 161 €