Joydeep Dutta
Joydeep Dutta, Professor at Department of Applied Physics, has over two decades of experience in developing technologies for water treatment. Prof. Dutta’s group is considered one of the top 5 research groups in the world in capacitive deionization device research that has produced over two dozen research publications, three patents and a spin-off company, Stockholmwater Technology AB. Dutta is the head of in Functional Materials Group and also the cluster leader of decentralised water systems in KTH Water Center.
A well-known technologist for water treatment, Dutta’s work has recently been selected in IVA 100 list for 2020. The group is equipped with state-of-the-art instrumentation for water research, with more than half the researchers (in a group of 12 people) working with water related research activities. Key focus is in capacitive deionization, solar photocatalysis, water electrolysis, microplastics, PFAS.
Ongoing research projects in water-related issues
- Plastics monitoRIng detectiOn RemedIaTion recoverY (PRIORITY) (start date: 1 January 2019), COST Project of Horizon Europe
- Mitigating off-flavour compounds geosmin and 2-methylisoborneol by applying capacitive deionization and nanotechnology in RAS” (CDI-NANO-RAS), Start Date 2021-03-01, Diarienummer: 2020-02635 NordForsk/ FORMAS
- Deterministic models for the prediction of ion adsorption-desorption processes in capacitive desalination devices (Deterministiska modeller för förutsägelse av jonadsorptions-desorptionsprocesser i kapacitiva avsaltningsanordningar), 2018-05387 (start date: 1 January 2019), Swedish Research Council
- Modellutveckling för att pilotanläggningar för kapacitiv avjonisering ska avsalta vatten mer effektivt
- J. Gust. Richert stiftelse (1 July 2020)
- Sustainable Wastewater Treatment for Hospitals / SWaTH, 2020 - EAC/A02/2019; Erasmus+ CBHE action
- CLAIM focuses on the development of innovative cleaning technologies and approaches, targeting the prevention and in situ management of visible and invisible marine litter in the Mediterranean and Baltic European Union Horizon 2020 programme, Cleaning Litter by developing and Applying Innovative Methods in european seas — CLAIM programme, 774586-CLAIM-H2020-BG-2016-2017/H2020-BG-2017-1 (start date: 14th November 2017)
- Swedish Foundation for Strategic Environmental Research (Mistra) TerraClean programme, Diary No. 2015/31)