Share your experiences with the water sector professionals!
Water companies and water associations, relevant departments of local authorities are welcome to share their experience or find practical solutions to common infrastructural or managerial challenges.
The Hub is a place to demonstrate your excellence and forerunning potential in the water sector.
To get your case published, choose one of the buttons! More practical information presented below.
Yes. Quality control allows us to review the submitted cases before publishing them to ensure high quality of the provided practices and solutions, their transferability and sustainability. Moreover, it helps us to provide an overall uniform outlook for all Hub cases.
The process goes like this: after you fill a submission form for a good practice, technical solution, tool, or send an application form to become an expert, the quality control team receives a notification about a new entry to the Hub. They check the submitted content and either publish it directly or contact the sender for more details if further elaboration of the case is needed. We reserve the right to make minor adjustments for the better coherence and uniform outlook of the submitted case. For significant questions, we get in contact with the submitter of the case. Please note that it might take some time to process your submission.
Quality control is performed by the nominated team of experts (currently, representatives from Technical University of Berlin and University of Tartu) in cooperation with over 20 international experts in different water fields.
There are no strict limitations that we could apply for the whole variety of cases posted on the Hub. Nevertheless, we are happy to provide you with general criteria and guidelines on presenting your case in a most attractive and useful way:
- The case should be launched, piloted or applicable in the Baltic Sea Region
Baltic Smart Water Hub is strongly focused on the Baltic Sea and its catchment area, which is why all cases published on the platform should have an example of application in one of the countries of this region.In case a solution that you wish to publish was developed somewhere else,please include an example of piloting/testing/replicating this solution in the Baltic Sea Region. Such example not only ensures that a solution will be applicable in the region, as it would have been made for similar geographical, economic, cultural and climate conditions, but it also allows interested parties contacting practitioners from the piloting site for more information about the implementation process, its benefits or possible bottlenecks.
- The description of the case should be comprehensive and practical
Baltic Smart Water Hub presents cases in a uniform manner, emphasizing practical and technical details of the implementation process. Please describe the initial setting, development and implementation of a practice or solution as precisely as possible, including numbers and figures, photos and schemes if applicable.When selecting content of cases to be published on the Hub, we focus not on the projects that funded and organized launching of a solution, but rather on the technological process of developing viable and sustainable operation models, setting up new equipment, or elaborating new approaches to effective management.
- The case should include contact details
We hope that the cases published on the Hub will inspire people to learn more about them or even replicate them locally. To ensure the possibility of smooth knowledge transfer, we kindly ask to include in the case description all possible contacts – not only to those who implemented the case, but also all those relevant parties that were involved in the process of developing and launching the case on various stages.
- The description of the case should be in English
Yes, that was quite obvious, but we thought to point that out. The Hub operates only in English to allow everyone in the Baltic Sea Region access the information collected on smart water management and operation.
First, you fill a submission form for a good practice, technical solution, tool, innovation or send an application form to become an expert. When describing a case, please include all crucial details so that other users could grasp the idea and general technological process behind it. Remember also to think about a smart name of your case: the length is limited to ~100 characters with spaces, try to make it catchy simultaneously reflecting the idea behind the solution!
After you press the submit button, Baltic Smart Water Hub quality control team receives a notification about a new entry to the Hub. You will receive an email when the reviewing process starts.
If the quality control team needs more information to present your case in a most attractive, complex and comprehensive way, you will receive another email with the questions from the team. We reserve the right to make small adjustments for the better coherence and uniform outlook of the submitted case. For significant questions, we get in contact with the submitter of the case. When the quality control team decides the case is ready to be uploaded, they publish it on the Hub – you will receive the email with the notification about it and the link to your case. Please note that it might take some time to process your submission.
If you have further questions about the submission process or any other Hub features, please contact us at info(at)
Think of the Water Hub as a tool for smart information exchange. Here we can share our experiences with other cities in the Baltic Sea Region to exchange good practices and smart ideas that proved to be effective and applicable in our region.
With crises like COVID-19, we might be limited in our travels, and our opportunities for direct networking can be limited. In these circumstances, it is of utmost importance to have an online platform not to substitute, but to complement the face-to-face interaction.