Treatment of stormwater runoff from highways, St. Petersburg
Treatment of stormwater from the road surface using the example of sites:
- Ring road around the city of St. Petersburg (Ring Road)
- Western high-speed diameter (WHSD)
- High-speed toll road Moscow - St. Petersburg (SPAD)
Solution to which problem
Stormwater runoff from highways, being contaminated with various substances, can have a significant impact on the ecological state of the crossed water bodies. When planning road infrastructure, this impact is always taken into account in order to select appropriate ways to reduce negative consequences, to meet the established regulatory requirements. This results in significant costs for the construction and maintenance of stormwater treatment facilities.
Over the past decades, the quality of the vehicles, as well as the fuels and oils they use, have improved, the requirements for emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere have become more stringent, many new materials have been used in the production and operation of cars, and the quality of road surfaces has changed. In addition, back in 2003 in Russia, a law has come into force prohibiting the production and circulation of leaded gasoline, which makes the problem of lead pollution not as urgent as it used to be. This case presents materials on the system for the treatment of storm sewage from the sections of the Ring road around the city of St. Petersburg (Ring Road), Western high-speed diameter (WHSD) and High-speed toll road Moscow - St. Petersburg (SPAD).
At the sections of the Ring Road, WHSD and SPAD, a method of stormwater treatment was introduced using modular treatment complexes - hydrobotanical sites (HBS). HBS are designed for cleaning stormwater from suspended solids, oil products and heavy metals (lead, zinc, cadmium, copper).
HBS is a complex system of small (one, two, sometimes three) low-flowing shallow natural or artificial reservoirs (ponds) overgrown with higher aquatic vegetation (reeds, reeds, pond, etc.), with the placement of natural sorbents at the bottom and / or in filter cassettes. If necessary, the HBS is equipped with additional means for capturing oil products.
The principle of operation of stowmwater treatment at the HBS is combined. The method is based on the simultaneous use of sedimentation, filtration, sorption and physicochemical reactions during the life of higher aquatic vegetation with enhanced ion exchange processes due to the introduction of natural minerals (zeolite, shungite, etc.) in the form of a blind area of the bottom and / or in filter cassettes.
The device of the HBS is carried out in accordance with the Technical Specifications TU 4859-001-48962642-2002 Hydrobotanical sites - modular complexes for cleaning stormwater from the surface of roads, bridges, overpasses, car service enterprises.
Patent No. RU2262488С1
The hydrobotanic method of wastewater treatment is cost-effective, technically simple, and environmentally friendly.
The cost of a HBS device depends on the specific conditions of the area, operating conditions, the size and completeness of each site.
Analysis of the quality of stormwater showed high efficiency of the proposed method. According to the results of laboratory studies, a Sanitary and Epidemiological Conclusion of the FBSI "SZNTs of Hygiene and Public Health" No. 01.05.Т.12077.05.14 dated 30 May 2014 was received on the compliance of the GBP with the sanitary rules SanPiN "Hygienic requirements for the protection of surface waters".