Waste Water
Since many of the environemnal problems of the Baltic Sea are connected to the unefficient treatment of sewage and sludge handling, wastewater management is a key field of interest to may actors in the region. Municipalities and their water companies are often forerunners in water protection by implementing voluntary actions in treatment of municipal wastewater and uncreased efficiency of nutrient removal. Leader cities will see the potential of the concept “from waste to resource” when dealing with for example sludge and manure. The Hub's section on wastewater treatment presents best practices and expamples of such implemented actions.
Good practices for Waste water
Good practice cases presented in the Hub illustrate processes of implementing investments, piloting or innovative solutions that certain actors have experienced and sharing of which is beneficial for Hub’s target users. From a good practice description you would find who did what and why, over what period of time, what was the result, how much did it cost and where the funding came from. Additionally, good practice might elaborate on a specific setting and prerequisites of the process and influencing regulatory factors.
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Technical solutions for Waste water
Technical solutions describe specific technologies that can be used in order to improve certain process or solve a specific problem. Technical solution is usually offered by a supplier, and you can learn about how exactly it functions, what prerequisites are needed, approximate cost. Brief examples of where it has been implemented and with what results can be found from a solution’s description, or elaborated in more details as a good practice.
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Tools for Waste water
Tools available via the Hub are self-standing instruments that can be downloaded or reached through the source and immediately applied by the end users. If available, descriptions of the process and results of systematic application of certain tools will be described as good practices.
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Innovations for Waste water
Innovation cases highlight new technologies and approaches with high implementability in the Baltic Sea Region. As new approaches need laboratory and pilot scale testing before reaching full maturity, technologies with high potential but no final results or financial analysis are mainly highlighted here. For the wastewater sector, the main new innovative cases come from piloting new treatment technologies or nutrient recycling solutions. The cases include the basis of the new innovations, results gathered so far and potential applicability to the Baltic Sea Region.
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