IWAMA – Interactive Water Management project

Project IWAMA (Interactive Water Management) aims at improving wastewater management in the Baltic Sea Region by developing the capacity of the wastewater treatment operators and implementing pilot investments to increase the energy efficiency and advance the sludge handling.

Project activities

  • Increasing capacity of WWT operators to unlock energy saving potential and to choose right sludge treatment technologies at both small and big scale by conducting series of international onsite workshops and online webinars, and producing a training materials package to be used by wastewater treatmetns plants (WWTP) outside the consortium;
  • Collecting WWT data to evaluate energy benchmark and sludge benchmark;
  • Developing audit concepts for smart energy management and smart sludge management (including common evaluation system of sludge treatment efficiency) in relation to efficient nutrient removal;
  • Piloting investments of novel energy nutrient-related technologies and management models for WWTPs at varying advancement levels;
  • Piloting investments to test advanced treatment systems for sludge water and innovative and cost-effective sludge treatment applications for different scale WWTPs;
  • Organising national and international dissemination events, and involving project partners and relevant stakeholders to make a commitment for improving the state of the Baltic Sea (Baltic Sea Challenge)


Funding: INTERREG Baltic Sea Region Programme 2014-2020

Budget: EUR 4.6 million with ERDF funding of EUR 3.7 million

Duration: March 2016 – April 2019

IWAMA is a flagship project of the European Union Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region supported by the Policy Area Nutri.